Our History
Captain Brassbound's Conversion
14 – 16 Sep 1929
Cremorne Theatre, South Brisbane
Brisbane Repertory Theatre Society
Barbara Sisley
George Bernard Shaw
Cecil Carson
Jum Pendleton
Jim Felgate
Barbara Sisley
George Eaton
Douglas Henderson
Ormond Salkeld
Leo Guyatt
E.W. Smith
Tom Stephens
Eric Roemermann
Bob Risson
Tom Pollard
Roy Bulcock
Neville Raymond

Courtesy QPAC Museum
Brisbane Courier, 17 September 1929
The Brisbane Repertory Theatre Society gave last night its second performance of Shaw's "Captain Brassbound's Conversion", with very satisfactory results both to the acting members and those whose pleasure it was to sit as the audience. As in "Candida", the main interest is centered in the "heroine" - that is, if a woman gets entirely her own way may be regarded as one. But as Mr. Shaw manages to convince his audience, at any rate for the time being, as well as the heroine in the action, that her way is the right way, all ends well.
The role of Lady Cecily Waynflete is a charming one to play, and doubtless Miss Barbara Sisley got a pleasure out of it equal to that she brought to her audience. Mr.Leo Guyett did wonderfully well as the ruffianly captain, especially in the second act. Mr. Jum Pendleton played the comedy part of the ex-hooligan sailor with discretion and to its full value; and amongst the large number of others who contributed to the success of the performance, Mr. Neville Raymond's "Captain Kearney" of the U.S.A. cruiser "Santiago" was to be highly commended.
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