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The Admirable Crichton
11 – 12 May 1928
Theatre Royal, Brisbane
Brisbane Repertory Theatre Society
Nell Douglas Graham
J.M. Barrie
George Webster
F.W. Whitehouse
Roy Bulcock
Richard MacGregor
Leo Guyatt
Robert Kelly
Nell Douglas Graham
Dulcie Scott
Dorothea Hives
Irene Silvester
Nancy Wright
Estelle Dent
Mona McDiarmid
Eric Loutitt
Douglas Henderson
Marjorie Bulcock
Winnie Wilkinson
Jack Hunter
Eric Roemermann
Dorothy Webster
Gwen Campbell
Laurence Johnson
George Patterson

Courtesy QPAC Museum
Queensland Figaro, Saturday 19 May 1928
J.M Barrie's delightfully humorous play,"The Admirable Crichton", was chosen by the Repertory Society to open their 1928 season. This well known comedy was given an excellent all-round performance, and the large audiences on both Friday and Saturday nights showed warm appreciation of the work of the actors. The outstanding feature was the clever study by Mr. Leo Guyatt, of the title part, and his gradual ascent from the immaculate and decorous butler to the dominant personality on the island was a distinctive bit of character acting. His " Admirable Crichton" will long be remembered.
Miss Dulcie Scott, as Lady Mary Lasenbury, also did remarkably good work, and shows an inherited aptitude for the stage, that should carry her far. The other parts in the long cast were admirable played by the Misses Irene Sylvester, and Dorothy Hives, as the Earl of Loam's other two daughters. Miss Nell Douglas-Graham, as the Countess of Brocklehurst, Miss Nancy Wright (Fisher), Mr. George Webster (The Earl of Loam), Mr.Richard MacGregor (the Rev.John Treherne), Dr.F.W.Whitehouse (Lord Brocklehurst), Mr.Roy Bulcock (Hon.Ernest Woolley). The "Tweeny" of Miss Estelle Dent, was a notably clever performance, while Miss Nell Douglas-Graham showed wise discrimination in the production, and deserves no small share of the credit for the success achieved. All the minor parts were capably filled, and the result of the performances gave unqualified satisfaction.
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