Our History
20 – 22 Nov 1930
Cremorne Theatre, South Brisbane
Brisbane Repertory Theatre Society
G.B. Eaton
Vance Palmer
Jum Pendleton
Babette Ferguson
Beryl Telford
Leo Guyatt
Jim Felgate
Mary Luya
Douglas Henderson
Dulcie Scott
Bob Risson

Courtesy QPAC Museum
Australian premiere of Vance Palmer’s Christine
There was much fanfare around this premiere production of Australian playwright Vance Palmer’s new four act comedy directed by George Eaton, a friend of Palmer’s and an admirer of his work. Playing to “large and enthusiastic” audiences, Christine was well reviewed by both The Brisbane Courier and The Telegraph (November 21 & 22). The Brisbane Courier led with “Theatrical history was in the making at Cremorne last night when the Brisbane Repertory Theatre Society staged Vance Palmer’s Christine”. And The Telegraph’s reviewer wrote:
It is not often that Brisbane has the distinction of a first production. That distinction was achieved last night … A distinguished gathering was present at the Cremorne Theatre and that the play met with unqualified approval was evident from the generous applause which was given at the end of each act and at the final curtain.
The story concerns a landed Victorian widower and the upheaval he brings to his family with the surprise announcement that he has married a Melbourne woman, Christine, who will be living with them all on the property. The two sons and two daughters initially treat her as an intruder but Christine is no wicked step-mother and in the end brings joy and success to the family.
Dulcie Scott was reportedly brilliant in the role of Christine, and was well supported by other popular Brisbane actors Jum Pendleton, Leo Guyatt, Jim Felgate and a very young Babette Ferguson.
Writer: Christine Comans
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