Our History
Uncle Vanya
20 – 21 Nov 1931
Cremorne Theatre, South Brisbane
Brisbane Repertory Theatre Society
G.B. Eaton
Anton Chekhov
Bob Risson
Patricia Trace
Barbara Telford
Gwen Campbell
Leo Guyatt
Tom Stephens
Jum Pendleton
Rhoda Felgate
Doug Henderson

Courtesy QPAC Museum
Uncle Vanya by Anton Chekhov (1931)
Of Uncle Vanya, directed by George Eaton, the critic from Truth congratulated the Society on having the initiative to stage a play by Chekhov and while it was “well over the heads of many in the audience … it will stand as a gallant attempt to lighten the darkness of Brisbane’s theatrical world” (November 22, 1931).
Although The Telegraph said “the Brisbane Repertory Theatre has sent a boy on a man’s errand” (November 21, 1931) both it and Truth praised the acting of the women, Rhoda Felgate, Gwen Campbell, Beryl Telford and Patricia Trace. Truth commented that “A striking feature of the acting was this: Every woman in the cast was better than any man – another argument to prove that women are more subtle. More sensitive to atmosphere than men. Feminists – please note!” and in The Telegraph, Felgate and Telford’s acting is described as “a benediction … blessed with a true warmth and sympathy which is in general lacking in the other players” (ibid.).
Writer: Christine Comans
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