Our History
27 Jun – 19 Jul 1980
La Boite Theatre
La Boite Theatre
Malcolm Blaylock
David Allen
Nik Aleksiev
Stephen Billett
Chris Burns
Jim Doherty
Mark Eckersley
Marc Hamilton
Caroline Hatcher
Sabina Head
Jan Huggett
Kym Lynch
David Moore
Tony Phelan
David Store
Amanda Webb

Anthony Phelan in Dickinson by David Allen directed by Malcolm Blaylock, 1980.
Courtesy QPAC Museum.
Dickinson by David Allen
During Malcolm Blaylock’s time as Artistic Director, the political and socially critical flavour of some of the plays became a characteristic feature of La Boite’s artistic work during his time.
Dickinson reminded critic Veronica Kelly of “the deadly bitterness of the struggle against a predatory and bloodthirsty capitalism, culminating in … the Depression”, in a production “of a fine standard, with La Boite’s mix of inexperienced and accomplished actors in as near as possible a state of homogeneous achievement”.[i]
Writer: Christine Comans
[i] Theatre Australia, Aug. 1980, p.53.
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