Media Release

La Boite Theatre is thrilled to be successful in its application for funding through the National Performing Arts Partnership Framework (the Framework), as announced today.
Established in 2019, the Framework is administered by Creative Australia, in partnership with all states and the Northern Territory, to provide a cohesive and collaborative national approach to sustainable arts funding and to guide effective decision making for the sector.
Organisations funded under the Framework benefit from the stability of up to eight years funding with the first stage of La Boite’s partnership running from 2025-2028.
The joint, multi-year investment from both state and federal governments acknowledges La Boite for its leadership and significant contribution to Queensland’s arts sector and sees the company recognised as the seventh major arts organisation in Queensland alongside Queensland Ballet, Opera Queensland, Queensland Theatre, Queensland Symphony Orchestra, Circa and Dancenorth.
La Boite’s entry into the Framework is a testament to the company’s artistic vision and strong position within the national arts and cultural ecology. Chair of the La Boite board, Adam Brunes, said it was a monumental occasion for La Boite – Australia’s oldest continuously running professional theatre company – to enter the Framework on the eve of the organisation’s 100th anniversary.
“A century-old company is not just a business entity; it’s a living testament to human ingenuity, ambition, determination, and the power of collective effort, for which the Queensland Government via Arts Queensland and the Australian Government via Creative Australia have been instrumental."
“The confidence and security provided by this vital funding will ensure that La Boite is best positioned to make a significant cultural, social and economic contribution to the Australian community for another 100 years.”
La Boite is committed to providing long-form artistic pathways to continue to grow and nurture the sector. During 2025-2028, La Boite looks forward to continuing to champion Queensland artists and their stories and providing opportunities for these works to be seen throughout the state, across the country and taken internationally.
La Boite embraces the commitment to inclusion and accessibility and creating pathways for First Nations artists and presenting First Nations works.
As a leading arts organisation, La Boite is entrusted with a responsibility to support Queensland’s small to medium arts sector and deliver exceptional arts and cultural experiences that align with the priorities of the Creative Together 2020-2030 10-year roadmap.
La Boite’s activities delivered during 2025–2028 will contribute to renewing and transforming Queensland through arts, culture and creativity and to optimise legacy outcomes from the Brisbane 2032 Olympic and Paralympic Games.
For more information please visit Creative Australia and Arts Queensland for more details about this announcement.