Sue Rider on Reimagining Macbeth: The Witches’ Perspective

Sue Rider during Macbeth Rehearsals. Photo by Jacqueline Bawtree
When Courtney approached me with the idea of working with her on a production of Macbeth my first question was why? Why present a play written by an Englishman 400 years ago in contemporary Brisbane? Her answer was compelling.
Disturbed by world events she wanted a vehicle through which to channel outrage, alarm, compassion and horror at the workings of war, and she wanted to explore it through the female voice. I was hooked immediately.
Macbeth offered distance from today and therefore space for objectivity. At the same time, its charting of the destructive arc of ambition and lust for power felt all too familiar. Couple that with the idea of the three Witches as a permanent presence, echoing the cries of women caught up in war down the centuries, and you have a vividly fresh vision, a brilliant starting point for exciting, challenging theatre.
We approached the process of adapting the text quite cautiously at first. We both had respect for the language and meaning, but we also wanted to tell a story with clarity and impact.
This was not Macbeth played by three actors. It was Macbeth as told by the Witches, three generations of women, embodying a timeless narrative. How to make that clear? We focused on the characters: who did we need? Who could we do without?

First Witch began evolving into an all-seeing, all-knowing presence, shape-shifting where necessary; Second Witch, at the centre, would take Macbeth; and Third Witch, young, agile, would be the greatest shape-shifter of them all.
In the rehearsal room we took more risks, enthused by Lisa’s set design and physical creativity. The text became leaner, sharper. Actions became bolder. Characters more defined. Props fell into place as play-things against the weave of life, anchoring Macbeth’s ‘All is but toys’. And threading through it all with anger, humour, regret, (hope?), the Witches kept telling their story.
Sue Rider Dramaturg
Macbeth runs from 6 to 22 March with its official opening night coinciding with International Women’s Day on Saturday 8 March.